Thursday, May 17, 2012

Clean them scummy pots and pans


Now you see it

Now you don't

This is why... I took a used piece of foil rolled it into a ball and scrubbed the pot. Takes off the hardest pieces of noodles the gross baked on material and it just rubs off. I didnt use that much elbow grease. Reuse foil for the tough stuff!

 I know what you are thinking."Super amazing photo".

take an old lawn chair to exciting places!

So I am so behind with this blog. Sorry about that! I have been so busy doing the projects and honestly I haven't finished half of them. We have been busy with other things... like looking at houses. Yes that is right, this once over the head in debt girl, is 1000 dollars away from being completely out of debt! Yay! You can be to! Learn some tips here

Moving on! So this quick project I did recently...

This is the BEFORE and honestly of the 3 chairs I had, this looked the nicest. By the time I remembered to take pictures I had already painted the other two chairs, so imagine worse then this.

The problem with the chairs... I got them free from a friend. There was only 3 and she left them outside for years and they became porous and grungy looking. I tried spray paint. It let me down though... apparently the chairs where so thirsty they drank the color up. So I took paint I had from other projects and miss tints to make a happy looking chair. yay good old latex paint!

The three chairs I painted

This is why I paint in the grass... I spill
Loving this blue colorlu!
Could use some lemonade about now!

I will confess they scratched a weee bit
when  I took them apart.   

My cute little kitty princess loves the chair