Sunday, November 13, 2011

Dress your best for less!

Today at church I got compliments on my outfit. I looked down at my $2 ruffle blouse I got at a thrift store and my $1 skirt I got at a yard sale. Both have the Gap tags on them, with a belt I got at a Dollar store, they look like the latest look! So my secret to my $5 outfits that look like over $100... Learn where to splurge and save. When I say splurge... I mean buy super cheap new clothes!
My first and favorite place to buy kids and my own clothes are yard sales, all the way! If you hit yard sales frequently and with an open mind, you may find some super cute things to wear. First, I look for my size or close to it. I have been known to do a bit of sewing to make things work, not too hard really! Second, I look it over to make sure that its in good condition. Sometimes if I really love it and it's something I can fix I buy it anyways! Third, I try to get dressy clothes so I keep this in mind.
The second cheapest place to look are the thrift stores. Don't give up if you don't find stuff your first time! Every day there are new things! Keep an open mind. I find the best items when I am willing to look out of the box. Sometimes vintage pieces pop up that seriously are the most fantastic pieces! Check out jewelry and belts while you are there!
The place I get things to pull everything together... clearance racks and stores like Ross. The first place I go at a store is the clearance racks. After shopping yards sales and thrift stores I have a hard time parting with $10. I have price points I stick to. I will not pay more then $15 on pants, $20 on shoes, $10 on blouses, $7 on screen T's etc... that is my final price new! Always check the clearance first at any store it kinda makes everything else look expensive after so you hold true to you price points. This isn't my only reason though, I find a lot of gems there. Sometimes things I would have passed up but once I give it a chance and try it on it becomes my favorite piece.
Shoes.... I love shoes just like any other gal! I find most of my shoes at Ross, Pay Less or  eBay. I check the clearance first! My champion running shoes I got for $4 from Pay less and they are great!
Timeless pieces are easy to jazz up with a belt or jewelry. Edgy pieces are fun to get to mix things up sometimes, as well. Just experiment with things and keep a couple looks in mind as you start out or just go for it!

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