Saturday, November 12, 2011

Save money this Thanksgiving!

Last week I got a free turkey with purchase of $100 dollars at Winco. I am not sure which locations are doing this and how long it runs, so call your local stores for details. Check out your ads, Winco is price matching Thanksgiving items. Go here for the list . There are lots of deals on turkeys and other Thanksgiving items at every store right now. Look for turkey bucks or any other promotion a store may be having!
Splitting costs by having others bring dishes or by bringing your own can really help relieve stress! Try doing a pot luck dinner by giving everyone an item to bring! Try simplifying dishes and using things you already have in the house. Sub for some items that may be expensive to help cut costs. Check those ads to compare prices (remember to factor gas price) I usually go to either the place that will price match multiple stores at the same time (right now around here it would be Walmart or Winco) or the closest place with the best over all price for the items that I need. Stick to your list! It is so easy to shop with your stomach! Do not go to the store hungry! If you are going for a few items use a basket. When you grab a big cart you are more tempted to fill it then a heavy basket weighing you down!

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