Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Getting a great workout for cheap

Joining a gym or hiring a personal trainer can be a great motivation to get going on a new fitness regimen.  However, I've learned from experience that you can get a great workout in your own house or (better yet) outside!  I actually prefer working out on my own, and avoid the gym for numerous reaons…#1 being that it can be expensive (it can also be a waste of money if you are not using what you pay for).

When the weather is nice there are countless ways to get exercise outdoors.  One of my favorite ways, and one of the easiest ways to get started on working out, is to walk.  When the weather allows, or if you're brave enough to bundle up and go out in the cold, start walking.  You don't have to power walk, walk a certain amount of miles, or walk for so many minutes. Just enjoy a nice walk with your spouse, with your kids, with a friend, or on your own.  Try to set a new goal to walk anywhere that you may be headed, that is less than a mile away.  Instead of hopping in the car to drive to the nearby mini mart or to a friend's house, try walking there.  You will feel awesome.  Not only does it provide a chance for exercise, but it also provides a chance for you to "slow down" from the fast pace of every day life.  There is something sweet and simple about taking the time to walk, you have a moment to think and to enjoy the beauties of the world.

As the weather is getting colder and we move into winter, it can be more difficult to feel motivated to head outside for exercise.  There are lots of great ways to get a good workout in your own home.  No fancy equipment needed either.  If you love music, turn your favorite tunes up and dance around the house for 20 minutes.  Show those dance moves off!  You can also come up with your own aerobic routine in your living room.  Start off marching in place for a warm up, then as you get going start alternating with 1 minute of knee lifts, 1 minute of leg kicks, 1 minutes of side steps, etc.  Come up with any sort of Jane Fonda grape-vine routine that you want, and have fun putting it all together for your own personal aerobic class.  This is one of my favorite ways to work out lately as my belly is getting bigger with baby #2!

If you have a set of hand weights google some exercises for strength training and come up with your own circuit routine.  If you don't have hand weights, you can use your own body's resistance to do the same exercises.  Push-ups are one of the best arm and chest exercises and are free of charge.  Squats and lunges help to lift and get your buns into shape.

Check your local library for exercise dvds or books.  This a great way to add variety without paying big bucks on numerous workouts.  I also love to check…there are "commercial breaks" during the workouts but you can march in place until the workout starts up again.  Same with…you can find video clips that work for you and put them together for your own routine.

While exercising, remember that what you are doing is good for your heart, your bones, and your state of mind.  If your jeans fit better after a month of sticking to it then all the better!

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